National Puppy Day National Take a Walk in The Park Day Sugarboy's Fiber Creations

National Puppy Day: Tips to make it a Walk in The Park

“Whoever said you can’t buy happiness forgot little puppies.”.― Unknown

March 23rd is National Puppy Day!

Did you find yourself with a new, young, furry family member during quarantine? If you recently adopted a puppy, you are not alone. According to this recent article in the Chicago Tribune, dog adoption and puppy sales are still rising. 

Adopting canines while young provides an excellent opportunity to train them to be happy, healthy companions. In celebration of National Puppy Day and National Walk in the Park Day, we have compiled tips to make your first puppy outings safe and meaningful. Lucky for you, Sugarboy’s has products to make your walk in the park extra stylish and fun! 

National Puppy Day, National Take a Walk in The Park Day, Sugarboy's Fiber Creations


Take your puppy for a walk on National Puppy Day.

Walking your pup should be a carefree, fun task; however, many dog pet parents have learned that your puppies’ first outings can be challenging if you are unaware of how to socialize your pet. Young dogs are impressionable and sometimes unpredictable, which can unintentionally result in unpleasant interactions with other dogs and humans. But with the right gear and preparation, you can ensure your pup’s first outing will be a walk in the park! 

Here are some tips to keeping your pup safe and happy during your walks:

National Puppy Day, National Take a Walk in The Park Day, Sugarboy's Fiber Creations

Positive Mindset

Did you know dogs can feel your vibes? Seriously. Canines can sense when their human is anxious, heightening their awareness to look for threats. Try not to show your pet hesitation when passing or greeting another animal, as it will only make them nervous. 

One important tip is not to have your dog greet another dog with tension on your leash. If you aren't ready to introduce your pup to other dogs, try positively redirecting them with a treat until the other dog passes. 

National Puppy Day- Sugarboys Fiber Creations

Keep them on a leash

Puppies have a lot of energy, so you may be tempted to let them go crazy and frolic in the park! However, walks are excellent opportunities to teach your pup new commands and good leash behavior. Along with training your puppy to have good manners early on, you are also avoiding opportunities for your pup to come in danger (aggressive dogs, humans, cars, etc.) by having them on a leash. 

As a general rule, once your pup can respond appropriately to the following commands, it should be safe to take them off-leash:

Come: Your pup will respond quickly and returns to you on this command
Back/No/Down: Your pup will not jump on other people or dogs
Stay: You can give this command, and your pup will not take off after moving objects.
Heel: The dog will stay by your side, at your pace, or close to you on the walkway
National Puppy Day, National Take a Walk in The Park Day, Sugarboy's Fiber Creations

Advocate for your pup

As the pet parent, you need to communicate on behalf of your dog in training. This means letting other humans know the boundaries when it comes to you and your pet. Be sure to call out ahead of time if you prefer your dog not to interact with another dog off-leash. One recommendation experts suggest is to physically place yourself in front of your pup if you do not want it to greet another dog or person. Both you and your dog are learning, and it's okay to be clear about needing space. 

National Puppy Day, National Take a Walk in The Park Day, Sugarboy's Fiber Creations

Know when to leave

Believe it or not, it is possible to over exercise your pup. According to this article, a good rule is that your puppy should get 5 minutes of exercise for every month of age, twice a day. Included in that time should be opportunities to play with toys and explore their surroundings. It is essential to stimulate their brains as well as their feet!

Are you looking for a unique toy to bring to the park with your pet? We got you covered! Check out our dog toy collection that will have your dog playing tug, fetch, and catch!

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Pack a bag (a Sugarboy’s Leash bag!)

National Puppy Day is the perfect opportunity to spoil your furry friend with some new products! We have an array of beautifully designed leash bags that will help you be prepared to make the most of your walk in the park. Our leash bags with food-safe waterproof interiors are the perfect size to hold your dog waste bag roll, keys, phone, and dog treats when you are out on a walk with your canine companion.

Check out our different sizes and styles here.

We hope you make the most of National Puppy Day and National Take a Walk in the Park Day with our latest Sugarboy’s creations!

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